Monday, November 28, 2016

I only ever wrote one blog and forgot all about it until a reminder came up in Facebook today.
Well a lot has gone on in my life since my last blog in 2009. I have got older and greyer and I have accumulated four more grandchildren so I won't backtrack, I'll jump right in and start with what is going on in my life at the moment.
The thing occupying my mind at the moment is Trevor's health. Tiens, Avril and Clarissa have gone up to see him and I have had conflicting reports back via the grapevine. I suppose I will hear the full story from Avril when she gets back.
In the seven years since I made my debut post the number of kitties living with me has changed. Cuddles, my doggie also crossed the bridge.
Hagrid, my ♥ kitty was first to go, then my beautiful Fat Cat and then earlier this year Lulu left us very suddenly. I have been blessed with new kitties in my beautiful Hermione (MineyMoo) who arrived here just over 2 years ago and then produced a litter of kittens on 12 December 2014. When I found homes for them I couldn't bear to part with the last kitty so my sweet natured, loving Bobby stayed. Then of course there is our orange boy who I name Weasley. He still hasn't decided whether he is a permanent resident but he spends more and more time here and makes himself very comfortable sleeping inside.
That's enough for now, I will endeavour to update on a weekly basis from now on.